Simplify Fare Collection with Umo

Automate Your Fare Payments Effortlessly

Transit rider using Umo App for fare collection
Umo App for fare collection
Umo App wallet for fare collection

Elevate Your Ticketing Solutions with the Umo Platform

Hosted Enterprise Solution

Connect multiple agencies through a single, shared platform using a subscription-based model that scales with your needs.

Comprehensive Platform

Access real-time transit information and trip planning capabilities in one integrated system.

Automated Fare Collection

Streamline revenue management with a scalable, multi-modal fare payment solution at affordable costs.

Mobile Ticketing

Allow contactless payment capabilities for your riders to make mobility seamless. Our platform accepts debit and credit cards, QR codes, or the Umo App to collect fare payments.

Account-Based Ticketing

Enable riders to tap and go regardless of payment type. Whether they use their mobile phone or a reloadable card, there’s no more worrying about having the exact fare.

Seamless Interoperability

Benefit from an open architecture, cloud-based solution designed for rapid deployment and collaborative flexibility.

Robust Security

Rest assured with ISO 27000 compliant data protection, ensuring your agency’s information remains secure and protected.

Continuous Innovation

Stay current with planned releases, incorporating new features and enhancements backed by proven transit technology.

Explore Umo’s Fare Solutions

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